Parent Information

Football is a team sport and parents are part of our team. There are many ways for parents to get involved such as helping with fundraising activities, hosting team-building events, coordinating carpools, helping at games (chain gang, snack shack, photography) and much more.
With the COVID restrictions lifting, we can now get back to carpooling to tournaments and games. Please be sure you are cleared to drive by clicking on the link below.
Forms and Participation
Student athlete registration and a physical evaluation with medical clearance are required to enable participation in all high school sport tryouts. Once clearance is obtained, it is generally good for 12 months. However, you should always confirm in advance with the California High School (CHS) Athletic Department.

Flag Football Participation Donations are not required and are voluntary. Kindly donate, if you are able.
If you are having trouble logging in to donate, please email Trisa Kent with your student's name and ID number and she can help you reset your account.
If you are writing a check, please make it out to "Cal High W Flag Football" and mail to Cal High or have your student bring it to the office during lunch or brunch. Please do not bring donations to coaches or team manager.
If you or someone you know owns a business that could benefit from marketing to the students, families and friends of our athletes, while supporting our team, please contact us. There are many sponsorship opportunities including scoreboard and banner signage.